Don’t Call It a Comeback: Principles for Getting Tennesseans Back to Work and Phasing in Our Economic Recovery
On April 13, 2020, Gov. Bill Lee announced an extension of Tennessee’s Safer at Home Order until the end of April. In addition to this extension, Gov. Lee announced the creation of the Economic Recovery Group, tasked with formulating a plan to reboot the state’s economy and put Tennesseans back to work, all while balancing the need to protect public health and safety amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
As the Economic Recovery Group begins to formulate a plan to phase-in the reopening of Tennessee’s economy, the Beacon Center recommends the following steps:
— Move from Delineating Essential versus Non-essential to Safe and Unsafe
— Provide Clarity and Certainty for Business Owners
— Allow Businesses that Remain Closed to Conduct “Soft” Re-openings
— Remove Statewide Ban on Elective Medical Procedures
— Maintain Existing Regulatory Suspensions
— Resist Industry Favoritism or Focusing on Specific Companies
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