The "winner" of the Pork of the Year will be chosen by the people of Tennessee in the January Beacon Poll, and the winner will be announced with the rest of the poll results on Monday, January 6th. READ MORE
With billions going towards expanding wired broadband to the most rural parts of the nation, Beacon looked at the performance and viability of currently active GONs. READ MORE
To further enhance Tennessee's economy, lawmakers should look at implementing additional tax reforms. READ MORE
With Blue Oval City on the horizon, it is more important than ever for local policymakers to review and reform outdated and arbitrary zoning laws. READ MORE
In the coming months, county commissioners will be taking up school board budgets. These discussions and votes are an annual occurrence, though this year’s discussion may have a different tone than years past. Billions of federal relief dollars are set to expire in September 2024 coupled with the state witnessing declining enrollments and increased staff,... READ MORE
Beacon’s newest report, “A Dose of Free Market Medicine” compares Tennessee’s laws and regulations around pharmacists and compares it to recent reforms in other states such as Florida, Iowa, Kansas, and most notably Idaho. READ MORE
Over the past few years, educational choice programs that allow students to use a portion of their education dollars to attend schools that best fit their needs have experienced sweeping changes. By 2023, dozens of states had educational choice programs and ten states enacted universal or near-universal universal choice legislation, affording educational options to every... READ MORE
Have you ever put on a jacket or pair of pants and found a $20 bill in the pocket? Or got to the end of the month and realized you have more money left than you thought? It’s a great feeling isn’t it? You feel like you have the freedom to go and spend it... READ MORE

Bigger Pockets and Balanced Budgets: Passing A Conservative Budget for Tennessee in 2024
For at least a decade before the pandemic, Tennessee leaders have practiced conservative budgeting, keeping increases in state spending below population growth plus inflation. This saved Tennessee taxpayers billions of dollars, allowing for further pro-growth tax cuts. As the state is finally spending the last of its federal relief funds, it is more important than... READ MORE
To explore our interactive zoning map of Middle Tennessee, click here. It seems not a day goes by without another news story showcasing how housing is becoming unaffordable, especially in Tennessee. And it’s not surprising. In 2020, Tennessee became the number one state for in-migration for the first time, according to U-Haul.1 Ever since, the... READ MORE
It is absolutely imperative that parents have options for their children when it comes to public education and this report shows the benefits of charter schools in Tennessee and across the country. READ MORE
Over the past 10 months, the Beacon Center has traveled the state to listen to our fellow Tennesseans about the challenges they face. This blueprint for restoring Tennesseans’ freedoms is a direct result of that listening tour. The listening tour was comprised of multiple components, including numerous and diverse community visioning panels, focus groups, and... READ MORE
Healthcare can be expensive and complex. But Tennessee’s rules and restrictions are making it worse, often for those who can least afford care. Adopted in the 1970s, certificate-of-need (CON) laws require a government permission slip before providing most healthcare services, such as opening a new hospital or purchasing high-tech medical equipment. Imagine if every new... READ MORE
An Economic Development Roadmap from the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Council of the Beacon Center of Tennessee READ MORE
Today, the Beacon Center released its most famous annual publication, the Pork Report. As always the report shed light on hundreds of millions of dollars of wasteful spending in Tennessee. Examples in this year’s report range from the state’s no-bid contract for contact tracing given to a company with no previous experience to the unused homeless pods the city of... READ MORE
Other than “tax increase,” few terms rile up Americans more than “red tape.” READ MORE
The cost of higher education has been a topic of debate for decades, yet the discussion has never held more of a policy focus as it does now. On August 24, 2022, President Joe Biden announced canceling $10,000 in student loan debt for those making less than $125,000 a year, and up to $20,000 for... READ MORE
Conservative budgeting would allow state policymakers to implement more permanent tax cuts, providing relief in a time of rising prices and fostering further economic growth and prosperity. READ MORE
Today, after months of research and open records requests, the Beacon Center released a new report showing how local school districts in Tennessee are budgeting and spending federal COVID dollars through the ESSER program. Congress allocated over $4 billion in federal taxpayer money to Tennessee school districts to address the pandemic. The data suggests that Tennessee public schools have budgeted or spent millions... READ MORE

The Game of Life: How Changing Licensing Requirements Impacts Tennesseans’ Career Choices
What are the requirements for occupational licenses in Tennessee, and are they becoming more or less onerous over time? READ MORE

School Closures, School Choice, and Federal Funding: How the Pandemic Exposed Problems and Spurred Solutions in K-12 Education
In direct response to students and parents who felt they had no voice in public education, nearly half of all states created, expanded, or improved educational choice programs. READ MORE
While Tennessee is generally considered a more free-market-oriented state, one area it regulates more heavily is in occupational licensing, essentially a government permission slip to do a job. READ MORE
The Beacon Center is proud to release its “recipe book” themed Tennessee Pork Report, revealing hundreds of millions of dollars in government waste, fraud, and abuse. This year’s infamous Pork of the Year “winner” was Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS). MNPS entered into an $18 million no-bid contract with Meharry Medical College Ventures which produced... READ MORE
As we have witnessed with Nashville Mayor Cooper’s recent faux pas, a misunderstanding of the state’s Truth in Taxation law can at best create confusion among taxpayers, or at worst, be used to deceive them. Additionally, while the law does prevent Tennesseans from automatically paying higher property taxes, it has clearly provided little defense against... READ MORE
If Tennessee is investing more each year in education funding, yet nearly half those dollars do not make it to the classroom, it begs the question of how public education is funded in the first place. READ MORE
If Tennessee lawmakers do commit and embark on creating the most free and innovative economy the nation has ever seen, who knows? Someday soon the Tennessee Valley will be the new Silicon Valley. READ MORE
For several decades and under the control of both Republicans and Democrats, Tennessee has been known for its fiscally conservative budgeting. Years of limited spending and low taxes have kept hundreds of millions of dollars in the pockets of Tennessee taxpayers that might otherwise have gone to government bloat. In fact, according to the Tax... READ MORE
The report examines the ways Tennessee is currently spending money and where improvement is needed. READ MORE

Walking the Policy Tightrope: Balancing Lives and Livelihoods During the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Beacon Center has released a brand new research report measuring the economic and health impacts of the COVID policies of four different states. The states measured were Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, and Michigan and were chosen to see how states that imposed tougher economic restrictions in the name of public safety fared compared to states... READ MORE
There is hope on the horizon for rural education. READ MORE