December 17, 2024 11:20AM

The "winner" of the Pork of the Year will be chosen by the people of Tennessee in the January Beacon Poll, and the winner will be announced with the rest of the poll results on Monday, January 6th. READ MORE

February 5, 2024 9:24AM

Over the past few years, educational choice programs that allow students to use a portion of their education dollars to attend schools that best fit their needs have experienced sweeping changes. By 2023, dozens of states had educational choice programs and ten states enacted universal or near-universal universal choice legislation, affording educational options to every... READ MORE

July 18, 2023 11:10AM

For at least a decade before the pandemic, Tennessee leaders have practiced conservative budgeting, keeping increases in state spending below population growth plus inflation. This saved Tennessee taxpayers billions of dollars, allowing for further pro-growth tax cuts. As the state is finally spending the last of its federal relief funds, it is more important than... READ MORE

January 22, 2023 9:00AM

Over the past 10 months, the Beacon Center has traveled the state to listen to our fellow Tennesseans about the challenges they face. This blueprint for restoring Tennesseans’ freedoms is a direct result of that listening tour. The listening tour was comprised of multiple components, including numerous and diverse community visioning panels, focus groups, and... READ MORE

January 11, 2023 4:42PM

Healthcare can be expensive and complex. But Tennessee’s rules and restrictions are making it worse, often for those who can least afford care. Adopted in the 1970s, certificate-of-need (CON) laws require a government permission slip before providing most healthcare services, such as opening a new hospital or purchasing high-tech medical equipment. Imagine if every new... READ MORE

December 14, 2022 5:00AM

Today, the Beacon Center released its most famous annual publication, the Pork Report. As always the report shed light on hundreds of millions of dollars of wasteful spending in Tennessee. Examples in this year’s report range from the state’s no-bid contract for contact tracing given to a company with no previous experience to the unused homeless pods the city of... READ MORE

August 22, 2022 8:00PM

Today, after months of research and open records requests, the Beacon Center released a new report showing how local school districts in Tennessee are budgeting and spending federal COVID dollars through the ESSER program. Congress allocated over $4 billion in federal taxpayer money to Tennessee school districts to address the pandemic. The data suggests that Tennessee public schools have budgeted or spent millions... READ MORE

December 15, 2021 10:28AM

The Beacon Center is proud to release its “recipe book” themed Tennessee Pork Report, revealing hundreds of millions of dollars in government waste, fraud, and abuse. This year’s infamous Pork of the Year “winner” was Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS). MNPS entered into an $18 million no-bid contract with Meharry Medical College Ventures which produced... READ MORE

November 29, 2021 7:42PM

As we have witnessed with Nashville Mayor Cooper’s recent faux pas, a misunderstanding of the state’s Truth in Taxation law can at best create confusion among taxpayers, or at worst, be used to deceive them. Additionally, while the law does prevent Tennesseans from automatically paying higher property taxes, it has clearly provided little defense against... READ MORE

November 2, 2021 9:06AM

For several decades and under the control of both Republicans and Democrats, Tennessee has been known for its fiscally conservative budgeting. Years of limited spending and low taxes have kept hundreds of millions of dollars in the pockets of Tennessee taxpayers that might otherwise have gone to government bloat. In fact, according to the Tax... READ MORE

December 8, 2020 5:15AM

From Memphis to Johnson City, there is no shortage of government waste in Tennessee this year. READ MORE

July 1, 2020 8:22AM

Every year, thousands of people across the United States move to Tennessee. While their reasons may vary, many choose to live here due to state-level policies such as the lack of a state income tax, low taxes per capita, and low levels of debt. These policies are well known and their benefits well documented. While... READ MORE

March 31, 2020 12:40PM

Today, the Beacon Center released a brand new package of 20 policy solutions focused on what policies the state of Tennessee should and shouldn’t enact moving forward when it deals with COVID-19. The suggestions relate to both public health and the economy. In terms of health, suggestions include ways to increase the number of medical professionals in the state, expand access to... READ MORE

December 11, 2019 9:03AM

This marks the 14th year of the Beacon Center’s Pork Report, our annual report exposing government waste, fraud, and abuse. While the Pork Report is a fun and creative outlet for our team to expose the top 25 most ridiculous instances of government spending in the past year, it is also a call to action... READ MORE

February 27, 2019 9:18AM

The American criminal justice system rests on the familiar canon that everyone is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In Tennessee, absent a first-degree murder charge, every defendant has a constitutional right to bail. This is set forth in Article I, Section 15 of the Tennessee Constitution, which provides “[t]hat all prisoners shall... READ MORE

January 10, 2019 9:31AM

Today, the Beacon Center of Tennessee released a new report on the state of Tennessee’s economic incentive programs and exposed major issues with many of the subsidies. Below are some of the findings discovered by the Beacon Center: Many companies that receive taxpayer money are not required to hire the number of workers promised. In fact, all 25 FastTrack agreements reviewed... READ MORE

December 19, 2017 8:00AM

Tennessee prides itself on being a state that values smaller government, less regulation, and respect for individual liberty. Yet, while we have made significant progress in a number of critical policy areas, the Volunteer State’s regulation of its workforce continues to be among the most burdensome nationwide. In particular, Tennessee requires a government license to... READ MORE

July 14, 2015 12:51PM

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Tennessee Pork Report, a publication of the Beacon Center of Tennessee. We have spent the last decade thoroughly researching and reporting government waste, fraud, and abuse. Fittingly, this milestone year has uncovered that state and local government officials squandered a record-breaking $763 million in taxpayer money. The report highlights this mismanagement of taxpayer... READ MORE

May 13, 2013 1:17PM

Each year, the Beacon Center ranks the 50 most populous cities in Tennessee based on their business climate. Beacon analyzes data from a range of sources to give each city a score in three categories: business tax burden, economic vitality, and community allure. Below are the most recent rankings. 2013 Business-Friendly City Ranking 2012 Business-Friendly... READ MORE

May 10, 2013 1:19PM

At the beginning of each Tennessee General Assembly every two years, Beacon published a comprehensive Legislators’ Guide to the Issues. The guide covers a range of policy issues, offering free market reforms in each area in a concise, one-page format. A complimentary copy of the guide is provided to every state legislator. In the second... READ MORE

March 22, 2013 1:18PM

The Tennessee Pork Report is the Beacon Center’s most famous annual report. In its 11 years of publication, the Pork Report has exposed more than $2 billion in government waste, fraud, and abuse by state and local governments. Below are links to each annual Pork Report. 2020 Pork Report 2019 Pork Report 2018 Pork Report 2017 Pork... READ MORE

October 17, 2012 9:20AM

In a new policy report, Beacon puts forth state-led healthcare solutions to fix Washington's botches and outlines how Tennessee should reject the Affordable Care Act. READ MORE

March 20, 2012 9:00AM

As lawmakers set to discuss repealing the state death tax, Beacon releases a report telling the stories of farmers harmed by the tax as part of its "Faces of Freedom" series. READ MORE

February 4, 2010 3:05AM

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research today released a policy brief in response to the governor’s proposed 2010-2011 state budget. The release, titled Attaining a Balanced Budget for the State of Tennessee, applauds many of the steps taken by the governor, but calls for additional cuts, fewer tax increases, and the privatization of various government services. READ MORE

January 21, 2010 2:30AM

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research today made available in electronic version its most recent publication, An Idea a Day: 45 Ideas for a Prosperous Tennessee. The pamphlet offers one innovative free market idea for each remaining legislative day of the 106th General Assembly. Each idea is surmised in one brief sentence, followed by a link to original work published by TCPR on the issue. READ MORE

January 11, 2010 2:32AM

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research today released a policy brief examining the education reform proposals currently sought by Governor Phil Bredesen. The governor issued a proclamation last Thursday calling a special session of the General Assembly to address certain education laws so that the state could seek nearly $500 million in federal “Race to the Top” education funding. The special session will begin on Tuesday, January 12. READ MORE

November 19, 2009 4:04AM

Shipping giant United Parcel Service (UPS) is fighting hard to change the rules around how its chief competitor, FedEx, does business. FedEx is one of Tennessee’s largest employers and taxpayers, so the move could not only impact the company but the entire state of Tennessee. READ MORE

September 30, 2009 7:15PM

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research today released a brief titled Implementing State-Based Healthcare Reform in Tennessee. The brief offers five solutions to reducing the costs of and expanding access to insurance for Tennesseans. READ MORE

September 17, 2009 4:19PM

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research today released a report exposing that local governments in the state have spent $5.3 million on high-profile lobbyists to influence the state and federal government. The report, titled The Dangerous Cycle of Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying, looks at lobbying expenditures made by cities, counties, school boards, and other local public entities... READ MORE

September 13, 2009 7:27PM

Based on a compilation of independent sources, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has analyzed President Obama’s September 9th speech to a joint session of Congress outlining his new healthcare plan. READ MORE

August 13, 2009 7:30PM

The Speaker of the House and Lieutenant Governor will select the seventeen-member commission from this slate of candidates in the coming weeks. When there is an opening on the state Supreme Court or appellate court, those chosen to serve on the commission will then submit three nominees to the governor, who will select the next judge from those nominees. READ MORE

August 5, 2009 3:49AM

A report co-released today by the Show-Me Institute and the Tennessee Center for Policy Research finds that Tennessee has surpassed Missouri in both population and gross domestic product, and contends that a friendlier tax environment may be the reason for such growth. READ MORE

July 20, 2009 7:34PM

Legislative reception expenses top $400K during 2009 session. Business interests and even departments of state government spent big dollars wining and dining members of the Tennessee General Assembly during the 2009 legislative session. READ MORE

May 13, 2009 7:42PM

MP exercise with Whiteville Police initially canceled by public affairs office. By Clint Brewer Policy Brief No. 04-09 The Tennessee National Guard cancelled one of its military police company’s participation in a local police seat belt checkpoint a day before it was scheduled over concerns about the “perception” the public might have of the event.... READ MORE

May 3, 2009 7:47PM

A set of bond bills for public and private projects in this year’s state budget total well over $1.1 billion in cost. Not that anyone is talking about it. READ MORE

April 23, 2009 7:49PM

State government pushes green wastewater systems to the free market, and a powerful industry advocate puts up a fight. By Clint Brewer For the better part of two years, Tennessee state government has been trying to deregulate and broaden the maintenance and use of a green form of wastewater disposal. Standing in opposition to this... READ MORE

March 31, 2009 7:53PM

TCPR's Justin Owen and Shaka Mitchell submitted written testimony to the House State Government Subcommittee this morning on the need for an Economic Civil Rights Act that would reduce the regulatory climate faced by entrepreneurs. READ MORE

February 11, 2009 7:58PM

At the advent of the 106th General Assembly, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research provided every member of the state legislature with a comprehensive guide to the issues facing the State of Tennessee. The Legislators’ Guide to the Issues provides free market policy solutions to issues related to (click each subject for a link to... READ MORE