In June, cash-strapped Rutherford County raised property taxes for all homeowners by nearly 6% to help fund “the rising costs of building schools.” Apparently, building schools is code for giving gigantic corporations a huge handout. Just three months after the county increased property taxes, county leaders decided to give a new Costco store nearly $1 million of property tax relief, meaning that everyday taxpaying citizens barely getting by are now being forced to pay higher property taxes to cover Costco. It’s bad enough that the county raised property taxes in the first place, showing that it doesn’t know how to balance a budget, but it adds insult into injury knowing that the increase in property taxes is happening at the same time that the county is giving tax dollars to a huge corporation.
Caroline Sutton, “Costco coming to Murfreesboro thanks to tax incentive.” NewsChannel 5. September 25, 2019. https://www.newschannel5.com/news/costco-coming-to-murfreesboro-thanks-to-tax-incentive fbclid=IwAR0TunmE3UrrVQoXFCeCh1JmOIQXsADeF7Oj5Wa4uBLSO2iK68wtXJCIS_Y
Scott Broden, “Rutherford County property taxes to go up nearly 6%, commission decides.” Murfreesboro Daily News Journal. June 26, 2019. https://www.dnj.com/story/news/2019/06/26/property-taxes-go-up-5-7-rutherford-county-commission-decides/1563522001/