Get to Know Joe Scarlett, Beacon Board Vice Chairman


September 26, 2019 11:31AM

For the second part of Beacon’s series of posts to help you get to know our board members, we have an interview with Joe Scarlett, Beacon Board Vice Chairman.

How did you get interested in public policy?

My high school American history teacher was simply inspirational. We studied the founding fathers in depth which led to a very clear understanding of our government structure. I latched onto Thomas Jefferson as my hero.

Why have you chosen to work with the Beacon Center?

About ten years ago John Cerasuolo and Larry White invited me for lunch at the Midtown Café.  An hour later after a little arm twisting, I joined the board – one of my best decisions ever.

What business success are you most proud of?

I am proud of my entire 30-year career with Tractor Supply as the company grew from 100 to nearly 1000 stores. I am personally most proud of the many people I helped coach to success.

How do you like to serve your community?

I regularly coach a wide array of business and community leaders. In addition, I spend time on education in Middle Tennessee mostly in conjunction with our family foundation which is run by our daughter Tara.

How have your political/policy views changed over time?

My political views have not changed much in the last 50 years. I continue to be an advocate for just about every kind of freedom you can name.

What do you like to do for fun?

I spend time with both of our children and even more time with our five grandkids. I play racquetball, travel a lot and do whatever my wife tells me to do.