Get to Know John Cerasuolo, Beacon Board Chairman


June 26, 2019 11:11AM

Beacon is beginning a series of posts to help you get to know our board members. First, we have an interview with John Cerasuolo, Beacon Board Chairman. 

How did you get interested in public policy, and why have you chosen to work with the Beacon Center?

I have been interested in public policy since my undergraduate days studying economics.  It started with reading Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, and Thomas Sowell.  My interest in working with the Beacon Center was born out of frustration with national politics and the recognition that there was great progress to be made at the state level.  I came to the conclusion that the best way to move the national debate was to make steps towards greater liberty and freedom in the states.

What business success are you most proud of?

Building an amazing team at ADS Security over the past 11 years culminating in our recent successful sale to the 4th largest security company in the US.

How do you like to serve your community?

I choose to describe my engagement in Nashville as building, not serving, our community.  First and foremost is my involvement in the Beacon Center and our efforts to remove for the citizens of Tennessee the obstacles that governments erect to better education and job opportunities.  I am also active in veterans charities helping those who very much deserve our support and assistance.

How have your political/policy views changed over time?

That is an interesting question as I don’t think my views have changed as much as the position of the national parties has shifted.  Historically I would have supported the Right in their commitment to limiting the role of the government in our economy and reducing the size and scope of our federal government.  Similarly, I would have supported the left in their effort to preserve the freedom of individuals and their right to live their lives free of government oversight.  Unfortunately, the traditional Right and Left have departed from their respective positions and now both generally support a greater role for government.

What do you like to do for fun?

Travel is at the top of my list.  I pretty much start out every year with my trips planned, I am not the guy who gets to the end of the year and has lots of unused vacation days!  A frequent destination is my favorite city, London.  My daughter lives there and I find the history fascinating.  Current trips planned include Napa, Quebec City, and a cruise with my Mom and Dad!  How is that for a fun year!

What’s your most unpopular opinion?

The New York Mets will have an amazing second-half run and win the NL East, fueling a World Series run that concludes with a sweep of the New York Yankees.  OK, more of a pipe dream than an unpopular opinion but unfortunately that is life as a Mets fan.