With the bill passing, there has been an enormous amount of misinformation spread about what the legislation actually does. We seek to set the record straight and list the facts of the legislation as it passed in January. READ MORE
By working with Tennesseans from one corner of the state to the other, we can make this bold vision a reality and make Tennessee the land of opportunity. READ MORE
Today, we released our latest installment of the Beacon Poll, a statewide survey of 1,200 registered Tennessee voters comprised of questions about the 2024 election results, policy issues, and more. In a nailbiter, the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) took home the infamous Pork of the Year award, with 35% of Tennesseans believing this was the most outrageous... READ MORE
The modern-day Davids gracing these pages are living proof that we can all leave an imprint on the world long after we’re gone. READ MORE
Tennessee should give families and students another reason to be thankful and celebrate this time of year in 2025, with the ability to receive more educational options provided to them, no matter where they live in the Volunteer State. READ MORE
As long as government keeps picking winners, there are bound to be losers. Hopefully, though, as a result of our work, there will be fewer losers when we’re done. READ MORE
To offer protection to all Tennessee residents, state lawmakers should look at the 46 other states that have implemented some sort of property tax cap and give Tennesseans similar protections. READ MORE
In 2012, legislators passed a bill to phase out the death tax over four years. Roger not only gets to save his farm and pass it on to his loved ones, but he saved thousands of other farms just like his from facing the same fate. READ MORE
As citizens, we can mobilize quickly, efficiently, and in heartfelt ways no federal government agency ever could. READ MORE
Today, we released our next installment of the Beacon Poll, a statewide survey of 1,200 registered Tennessee voters comprised of questions about political races, policy issues, and more. Former President Donald Trump leads Vice President Kamala Harris by 21 points in the first Beacon Poll since Harris became the Democratic nominee for president. While Trump still maintains a solid lead,... READ MORE
Amanda's story proves that states can put pressure on the federal government to act, and how just a few individuals like Amanda can have an outsized national impact. READ MORE
Imagine losing your job because an unelected board of government bureaucrats—or even worse, a board of your competitors with the force of government power—suddenly declared it illegal. READ MORE
Operations like Quail Run Farms benefit Tennessee’s economy and help support the income of farms and rural communities. READ MORE
On November 8, 2022, Tennessee became just the tenth state to make right-to-work a constitutional right when 1.14 million Tennesseans, or seventy percent of voters, cast their ballots in favor of Amendment 1. READ MORE
Today, we released our next installment of the Beacon Poll, a statewide survey of 1,200 registered Tennessee voters comprised of questions about political races, policy issues, and more. In a surprising turn of events, Donald Trump’s recent conviction of 34 felony charges for falsifying documents in New York has actually helped the former president in Tennessee. The guilty verdict... READ MORE
Thanks to the ruling, cities must now fund their own public works projects. READ MORE
Today’s Supreme Court decision overturns Chevron and returns the task of interpreting laws to the courts. That’s a great thing for liberty. READ MORE
Regulators should match their rules with reality and in the case of Net Neutrality, that’s clearly not happening. READ MORE
With dozens of states providing choice programs and a growing number providing the same options to all students, Tennessee policymakers must make a choice. READ MORE
Many Tennesseans benefitted from fresh starts in education and enterprise. Many more would also benefit if the government stopped discriminating against them. READ MORE
Due to their grassroots activism, Lij and Pat convinced the city council to soften the home business ban. READ MORE
We’re pleased that the legislature made strides to address many of Tennesseans’ biggest challenges this session. And for those they failed to advance like property tax caps and school choice, we will continue to make them top priorities on behalf of Tennesseans. READ MORE
For the opponents, this was about protecting their bottom line. For hair braiders, this was about culture. It was about opportunity. It was about freedom. READ MORE
Tennessee policymakers should keep note of the trends at vocational schools and see the value of these programs, not simply for earnings and little to no debt for graduates, but for the benefits to the state as a whole. READ MORE
According to a Beacon poll released this week, the rising cost of housing is among the most significant barriers that Tennesseans face on the path to financial stability and growth. The Supreme Court’s decision this morning in Sheetz v. El Dorado County will help. READ MORE
Today, we released our fourth quarterly Beacon Poll, a statewide survey of 1,197 registered Tennessee voters comprised of questions about political races, policy issues, and more. READ MORE
Parents across Tennessee are able to exercise school choice, but only if they have the financial means to do so. That could all change with the proposed Education Freedom Scholarship program. READ MORE
All of us enjoy the freedom to choose when we marry a spouse, buy a car, or simply purchase a cup of coffee. Why shouldn’t parents have the freedom to choose the education they believe best suits their own children? READ MORE
As a state experiencing significant in-migration, it's crucial to welcome new additions to our workforce without imposing unnecessary barriers through licensing requirements. READ MORE
On the final day of the 2016 legislative session, lawmakers voted to repeal the Hall Tax. Jon and Linda remain engaged in Beacon’s work to this day. Thanks to their willingness to speak out about their challenges with the Hall Tax, they helped return more than $300 million a year to taxpayers and make Tennessee truly income tax-free for the first time in nearly a century. READ MORE