Beacon Statement on Medicaid Expansion


March 25, 2015 8:17PM

Insure TN “Revival” All Smoke and Mirrors

In a vote that is essentially symbolic and meaningless, the Senate Health and Welfare Committee voted 6-2 today to keep Insure Tennessee afloat, for nowInstead of being gracious and acknowledging defeat in this legislative session, the special interests and hospitals are pushing a bill almost identical to one that was rejected less than two months ago. Mark Cunningham of the Beacon Center noted, “The legislature has already spoken on this issue, yet we continue to waste time and resources voting on a bill that has already failed and is sure to fail again. We should spend the remainder of session discussing real healthcare solutions for all Tennesseans instead of pushing this plan that is bad for Tennessee taxpayers and current Medicaid patients alike. Tennesseans deserve better than this smoke and mirrors show that the special interests are giving to us right now.”