By working with Tennesseans from one corner of the state to the other, we can make this bold vision a reality and make Tennessee the land of opportunity. READ MORE
Today, we released our latest installment of the Beacon Poll, a statewide survey of 1,200 registered Tennessee voters comprised of questions about the 2024 election results, policy issues, and more. In a nailbiter, the Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) took home the infamous Pork of the Year award, with 35% of Tennesseans believing this was the most outrageous... READ MORE
The modern-day Davids gracing these pages are living proof that we can all leave an imprint on the world long after we’re gone. READ MORE
Tennessee should give families and students another reason to be thankful and celebrate this time of year in 2025, with the ability to receive more educational options provided to them, no matter where they live in the Volunteer State. READ MORE
As long as government keeps picking winners, there are bound to be losers. Hopefully, though, as a result of our work, there will be fewer losers when we’re done. READ MORE
To offer protection to all Tennessee residents, state lawmakers should look at the 46 other states that have implemented some sort of property tax cap and give Tennesseans similar protections. READ MORE