The Dirty Dozen: Hair Braider


October 20, 2017 12:37PM

In 2016, the Tennessee General Assembly repealed the law requiring a license to shampoo hair after our lawsuit on the issue gained national attention. While Beacon was encouraged to see this effort move forward, we believe that more needs to be done to reform elements of the cosmetology industry’s regulations and requirements. If one no longer needs a license to shampoo hair, why does one continue to need a license to braid it? Especially considering that braiders are not cutting hair, nor are they using any chemicals. It’s a completely natural process. That’s precisely why numerous states have recently repealed their licensing requirement for hair braiders.

Yet, like was the case with shampooers, Tennesseans seeking to braid hair for a living must spend 300 hours in a classroom and pay $140 in fees to do a job that many women like myself have been doing as novices since grade school. Lawmakers should follow suit with the shampooing license repeal and free hair braiders from needing government permission as well.